Opening: Friday, July 8th 2016, 4 pm to 9 pm
Introduction: Claudia Dichter, 6 pm
Location: 235 Media, Am Kölner Brett 1, 50825 Cologne, Germany

At the opening of the 32nd roof of REMOTEWORDS on July 8, 2016, a radio-controlled CCTV drone from TIMESCOPE films will fly over the roof of 235MEDIA, broadcast the aerial view and reveal the message. Claudia Dichter will introduce in the action at 6pm.
The words have been selected by the Cologne Artist Marcel Odenbach after a poem by Ingeborg Bachman from 1952.
For the artists, this particular message questions media images in general and pleas for a constant interrogation of “photographic authenticity”. Thereby they take into account the critical analyses of digital utopias during the 1980’s and 90’s as well as the prevailing, increasing manipulation of mass media in semi-democratic states.